
Reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection induced by cabazitaxel in a patient with prostate cancer: A case report.


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Rationale: Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) describes the dormant state of tuberculosis (TB), in which persistent immune-related interaction between TB and T-cells maintain its state. Cabazitaxel (CBZ) is reported to improve overall survival in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) after progression observed in regimens including docetaxel. CBZ is known for severe myelosuppression; however there is no recommendation for the treatment of LTBI before CBZ treatment. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report to describe reactivation of LTBI induced by CBZ. Patient concerns: A 75-year-old Japanese male with a medical history of TB since 16 years of age had been treated for prostate cancer (PC) (initial prostate-specific antigen 532 ng/ml; cT4N1M1b; Gleason score4+4) with androgen deprivation therapy, abiraterone, and docetaxel. Calcified nodules and radiological findings of LTBI were present in the upper right lobe since the diagnosis of PC. After progression was observed during these treatments, CBZ was administered combined with pegfilgrastim, long-acting granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Seven days after the third course of CBZ, he was admitted to the authors' hospital to treat febrile neutropenia (FN). High fever persisted even after myelosuppression had recovered. Computed tomography (CT) revealed distribution of small nodules in the bilateral lungs, for which miliary TB was included in the differential diagnosis. T-Spot, interferon-gamma-release assay, and bronchoscopy yielded no significant findings; however, sputum and urine culture confirmed the diagnosis of TB. Diagnosis: CT, sputum and urine culture confirmed the diagnosis of miliary TB. Interventions: The patient was treated with anti-bacterial therapy (cefepime) on hospital admission, which was not effective. After the diagnosis of miliary TB was confirmed, anti-TB drugs, including isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol, were administered. Outcomes: Despite anti-TB therapy, high fever persisted and radiological findings worsened. Fifty days after the third course of CBZ, the patient died of respiratory dysfunction caused by progression of miliary TB. Lessons: Management of LTBI is needed in cases of radiographic findings of LTBI and medical history of TB before CBZ treatment, despite the rarity of LTBI reactivation in patients with PC.
cabazitaxel,calcified nodule,latent tuberculosis infection,prostate cancer,reactivation
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