A quantitative analysis of the indentation fracture of fused silica


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It is unclear how the densification of fused silica influences the damage of its precision optics subjected to machining. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the indentation fracture of fused silica involving densification with the embedded center of dilation (ECD) model. The Hertzian stress field and the ECD-induced stress field were superposed to provide the overall stress distribution in the loading stage. A new method was established to accurately determine the strength of the ECD-induced stress field with densification effects. With the aid of the ECD model, the starting locations, initiation stages and initiation sequence of crack morphologies were predicted by analyzing the stress fields. To quantitatively study the initiation of conical cracks in fused silica, the strain energy release rate was calculated by linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). The predicted minimum threshold load leading to conical cracking was consistent with the measured values.
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Key words
cracks,cracking,fracture,fused silica,indentation,stress
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