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Spectral and Luminescent Properties and Morphology of Self-Assembled Nanostructures of an Indotricarbocyanine Dye

Journal of applied spectroscopy(2019)

Cited 7|Views17
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Spectral and luminescent properties of an indotricarbocyanine dye are studied in solutions and after deposition on quartz or silicon substrates. It is found that the dye molecules self-assemble in aqueous EtOH solutions to form H*-aggregates. The absorption band of the H*-aggregates shows a hypsochromic shift of 192 nm (5291 cm–1) relative to the absorption maximum of dye monomers (706 nm) and has a full width at half maximum of 21 nm (797 cm–1). The morphology of the H*-aggregates of the indotricarbocyanine dye is studied for the first time. It is found that the aggregates are rod-like species ~10 nm high, 100 nm wide, and several micrometers long. H-aggregates with a fluorescence maximum at 560 nm and Stokes shift of 325 cm–1 in addition to non-fluorescent H*-aggregates form in aqueous EtOH solutions and are nanoparticles with a height of 1–3 nm and lateral dimensions of ~100 nm.
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polymethine dyes,molecular aggregates,H*-aggregates,spectral and luminescent properties,selfassembled nanostructures,morphology,atomic force microscopy
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