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Tick-Borne Bacterial Diseases In Poland


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Many infectious diseases are spread by a vector. Some microorganisms require both the vertebrate as well invertebrate host to complete their life cycle. In this way, many bacterial diseases are transmitted to humans.Within Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species, 15 genospecies have been identified; 7 of which are pathogenic to humans. Lyme borreliosis, classified as a zoonosis, occurs throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The symptoms caused by these spirochetes, in addition to the characteristic erythema migrans, may affect many body systems and organs.Infections caused by Bartonella spp. are classified as emerging and re-emerging diseases. Over 25 species of Bartonella species have been currently recognized, 14 of which are pathogenic to humans. The infections of these microorganisms are transmitted by ticks, lice and fleas, and manifest themselves as endocarditis, meningitis, pneumonia, bacillary peliosis, Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome, the mildest of them being the cat scratch disease.Recently, spotted fever group rickettsioses are the most commonly recognized. In Poland, the etiological agents of these diseases are various species of Rickettsia spp., such as R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. slovaca and R. raoultii.Human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) is an acute infectious disease caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The symptoms of anaplasmosis include: a high fever, headache, malaise, muscle pains and chills. It is characterised by thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, elevated levels of liver transaminases, increased number of neutrophils and mild anemia.There is no specific prophylaxis to avert tick-borne infections. The best prevention method is to avoid tick bites and to remove them from the skin immediately. It is also recommended to use tick repellents.
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tick born diseases, Lyme borreliosis, bartonelosis, spotted fever group rickettsiosis, anaplasmosis
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