
Cell Uptake And Biocompatibility Of Nanoparticles Prepared From Poly(Benzyl Malate) (Co)Polymers Obtained Through Chemical And Enzymatic Polymerization In Human Heparg Cells And Primary Macrophages


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The design of drug-loaded nanoparticles (NPs) appears to be a suitable strategy for the prolonged plasma concentration of therapeutic payloads, higher bioavailability, and the reduction of side effects compared with classical chemotherapies. Inmost cases, NPs are prepared from(co)polymers obtained through chemical polymerization. However, procedures have been developed to synthesize some polymers via enzymatic polymerization in the absence of chemical initiators. The aim of this work was to compare the acute in vitro cytotoxicities and cell uptake of NPs prepared from poly(benzyl malate) (PMLABe) synthesized by chemical and enzymatic polymerization. Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of eight PMLABe-based polymers. Corresponding NPs were produced, their cytotoxicity was studied in hepatoma HepaRG cells, and their uptake by primary macrophages and HepaRG cells was measured. In vitro cell viability evidenced a mild toxicity of the NPs only at high concentrations/densities of NPs in culture media. These data did not evidence a higher biocompatibility of the NPs prepared from enzymatic polymerization, and further demonstrated that chemical polymerization and the nanoprecipitation procedure led to biocompatible PMLABe-based NPs. In contrast, NPs produced from enzymatically synthesized polymers were more efficiently internalized than NPs produced from chemically synthesized polymers. The efficient uptake, combined with low cytotoxicity, indicate that PMLABe-based NPs are suitable nanovectors for drug delivery, deserving further evaluation in vivo to target either hepatocytes or resident liver macrophages.
enzymatic polymerization,chemical polymerization,poly(benzyl malate),biocompatible nanoparticles,cell uptake,cytotoxicity,HepaRG cells,human macrophages
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