
A Self-Adaptive Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Software-Defined Networks

IEEE transactions on network and service management/IEEE eTransactions on network and service management(2019)

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Network virtualization provides a promising tool to allow multiple virtual networks (VNs) to run on a shared substrate network (SN) simultaneously. VN embedding (VNE) is one of the key technologies of network virtualization. The main goal of VNE is to effectively map VN requests to the SN, which is efficiently utilizes the network resources. The emergence of software defined networks provides a platform for network virtualization to be used and promoted. In a real environment, the resource requirements of tenants are generally different. A single VN mapping algorithm can not effectively handle the multi-demand problem of tenants. We propose a self-adaptive VNE algorithm. VN requests are divided into different types by an adaptive algorithm, we use an integer linear programming formulation to solve VNE problem. This paper considers three different types of VN requests. Type 1 VN requests for high bandwidth requirements, type 2 VN requests for low latency requirements, and type 3 VN requests for high bandwidth requirements and latency requirements. The simulation results show that the virtual network embedding algorithm proposed in this paper can make full use of the SN resources and improve the overall revenue, while effectively dealing with the multi-demand problem of tenants.
Network virtualization,virtual network embedding,self-adaptive,SDN,FlowN
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