Antiferromagnetic Coupling Of Van Der Waals Ferromagnetic Fe3gete2


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Among two-dimensional (2D) layered van der Waals materials, ferromagnetic 2D materials can be useful for compact low-power spintronic applications. One promising candidate material is Fe3GeTe2 (FGT), which has a strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and relatively high Curie temperature. In this study, we confirmed that an oxide layer (O-FGT) naturally forms on top of exfoliated FGT and that an antiferromagnetic coupling (AFC) exists between FGT and O-FGT layers. From a first-principles calculation, oxide formation at the interface of each layer induces an AFC between the layers. An AFC causes a tailed hysteresis loop, where two-magnetization reversal curves are included, and a negative remanence magnetization at a certain temperature range.
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van der Waals ferromagnet, antiferromagnetic coupling, negative remanence
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