
De novo transcriptome assembly and development of SSR markers of oaks Quercus austrocochinchinensis and Q. kerrii (Fagaceae)

Tree Genetics & Genomes(2016)

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The commonly found oak species Quercus kerrii and the rare species Quercus austrocochinchinensis (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis ) are genetically close and found in sympatry in Indo-China with morphological evidences of hybridization. The two species provide an opportunity to investigate the mechanism of speciation and to study how species integrity is maintained in the subgenus Cyclobalanopsis . However, the genomic resources are lacking in Cyclobalanopsis to produce enough molecular markers. We performed RNA-seq on Q. austrocochinchinensis and Q. kerrii by pooling tissues of new and old leaves, roots, and stems. A total of 14,247,444/12,900,500 ( Q. austrocochinchinensis / Q. kerrii ) clean reads were obtained from 2 × 300 bp Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform. De novo assembly produced 79,312/81,921 contigs representing 49,845/50,767 unigenes. The Ka/Ks estimation and following enrichment analysis identified 24 genes. Most of them were related to biosynthesis and growth, which may be involved in the process of speciation. 5196/5021 primer pairs were successfully designated from 13,762/13,430 putative loci with microsatellite repeats. We selectively screened 215 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci according to the list of 29,893 pairwise orthologous genes predicted by a reciprocal best hits algorithm. From the 215 loci, we selected 102 well-amplified SSR primers for polymorphic SSR locus analysis. We found 18 highly polymorphic loci and suitable for population genetic analysis, with 10 loci that had a diagnostic power that may be useful in studying hybridization. Finally, in silico PCR was performed using two Fagaceae species Quercus robur and Castanea mollissima . Our study provides a set of useful SSR markers and can enable further functional and comparative genomic research on the Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis .
Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis
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