
Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions by Non-Thermal Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Treatment on Mouse Model: A Proof of Concept Study.


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Purposes:Formation of peritoneal adhesions is a common consequence of abdominopelvic surgeries and remarkably increases the mortality and morbidity. Moreover, peritoneal adhesions linked to chronic abdominopelvic pain and infertility in women. Various attempts for prevention of peritoneal adhesions were reported. However, these methods either remain insufficient to prevent formation of peritoneal adhesions or carry some practical limitations and thus, there is a need for novel techniques that could effectively decrease the formation of peritoneal adhesions. The aim of the present prospective, randomized, controlled, and single blinded study was to evaluate the effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma (NTAP) treatment on prevention of peritoneal adhesions.Materials and Methods:Sixteen male CD-1 mice were randomly divided into two groups: control and plasma. Excisional and abrasion adhesion models were generated on the peritoneal side wall and cecum, respectively. Ten days after creating adhesion models, mice were sacrificed and adhesion formations were evaluated macroscopically using Knightly's and Linsky's grading systems to assess the intensity and extent of adhesions, respectively. Zuhlke's grading system was used for microscopic assessment of adhesions.Results:The mean scores for peritoneum and cecum in control group according to Knightly's grading system were determined as 3.3 and 2.6, respectively. In NTAP-treated group, Knightly's score was determined as 1.6 and 0.5 for peritoneum and cecum, respectively. NTAP treatment reduced Linsky's score from 3.8 to 1.3 and 2.1 to 1.1 on peritoneum and cecum. Finally, in microscopic evaluation, NTAP treatment reduced Zuhlke's score from 3.4 to 1.5 and 2.6 to 1.3 for peritoneum and cecum, respectively.Conclusions:The results of the present proof of concept study suggest that NTAP could be a novel method to reduce and/or prevent the formation of peritoneal adhesions after abdominopelvic surgeries.
plasma medicine,non-thermal atmospheric plasma,peritoneum,peritoneal adhesion,abdominopelvic cavity,cecum
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