
The Role of Nucleus Accumbens Shell on Acquisition and Retrieval Stages of Morphine State Dependent Learning

Maryam Noorbakhshnia, Nahid Zarrinimehr

Asian journal of psychiatry(2019)

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Aim: In the present study, the effect of transient inactivation of the shell subregion of the nucleus accumbens (NAC shell) by lidocaine on the acquisition and retrieval stages of passive avoidance learning (PAL) and memory and morphine state-dependent learning (SDL) in male wistar rats was investigated. Methodology: Adult male wistar rats weighing (220-250 g) were used. Lidocaine hydrochloride was bilaterally injected into the shell area of the nucleus accumbens 5 min before of subcutaneous morphine administration. Results: pre-training and pre-test infusion of lidocaine into the NAC shell significantly impaired PAL and memory. Furthermore, Pre-training administration of morphine (5 mg/kg, s.c.) in a step-through passive avoidance task induced state-dependent learning with impaired memory retrieval on the WA day. The impairment of memory was restored after pre-test administration of the same dose of morphine. This phenomenon has been named as morphine state dependent learning (SDL). Moreover, Pre-training and pre-test inactivation of the NAC shell impaired morphine SDL. Conclusions: The results suggest the role of NAC shell as a common structure in the PAL and morphine SDL. It is suggested that NAC shell as a common area plays a critical role in the acquisition and retrieval stages of PAL and also morphine SDL.
Nucleus accumbens,Morphine,Lidocaine,Passive avoidance learning,State dependent learning,Rat
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