
In Utero Exposure to Simvastatin Reduces Postnatal Survival and Permanently Alters Reproductive Tract Development in the Crl:CD(SD) Male Rat.

Toxicology and applied pharmacology(2019)

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We showed previously that in utero exposure to the cholesterol-lowering drug simvastatin (SMV) during sex differentiation lowers fetal lipids and testicular testosterone production (T Prod) in Hsd:SD rats. Here, the effects of SMV on fetal lipids and T Prod in Crl:CD(SD) rats were correlated with postnatal alterations in F1 males. The current study was conducted in two parts: 1) a prenatal assessment to confirm and further characterize the dose response relationship among previously reported alterations of SMV on fetal T Prod and the fetal lipid profile and 2) a postnatal assessment to determine the effects of SMV exposure during the periods of major organogenesis and/or sexual differentiation on F1 offspring growth and development. We hypothesized that SMV would have adverse effects on postnatal development and sexual differentiation as a consequence of the disruptions of fetal lipid levels and testicular T Prod since fetal cholesterol is essential for normal intrauterine growth and development and steroid synthesis. In the prenatal assessment, SMV was administered orally at 0, 15.6, 31.25, 62.5, 80, 90, 100, and 110 mg SMV/kg/d from GD 14-18, the period that cover the critical window of sex differentiation in the male rat fetus. T Prod was maximally reduced by ~40% at 62.5 mg/kg/d, and higher doses induced overt maternal and toxicity. In the postnatal assessment, SMV was administered at 0, 15.6, 31.25, and 62.5 mg/kg/d from GD 8-18 to determine if it altered postnatal development. We found that exposure during this time frame to 62.5 mg SMV/kg/d reduced pup viability by 92%, decreased neonatal anogenital distance, and altered testis histology and morphology in 17% of the F1 males. In another group, SMV was administered only during the masculinizing window (GD14-18) at 62.5 mg/kg/d to determine if male rat sexual differentiation and postnatal reproductive development were altered. SMV-exposed F1 males displayed female-like areolae/nipples, delayed puberty, and reduced seminal vesicle and levator ani-bulbocavernosus weights. Together, these results demonstrate that in utero exposure to SMV reduces offspring viability and permanently disrupts reproductive tract development in the male offspring. While the effects of high dose, short term in utero exposure to SMV in the adult male are likely androgen-dependent and consistent with the 40% reduction in T Prod in the fetal testes, long-term, lower dose administration induced some effects that were likely not mediated by decreased T Prod.
Fetal Programming
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