Platelet Derived Biomaterials for Therapeutic Use: Review of Technical Aspects

Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion(2016)

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Whole blood is composed of both cellular and plasma components, providing a rich source of therapeutic products. Of late, platelet derived biomaterial (platelet rich plasma) consisting of plasma proteins and platelets are increasingly being used for various indications. Protocols for preparation and nomenclature of this biomaterial vary widely amongst authors and are often not well defined. Additionally, they are not uniformly documented in the literature, making results difficult to compare or replicate. In this paper we review the evolution and type of these products available for clinical use. Further we will discuss the scientific rational and technical aspects in preparation of these platelet biomaterials in order to administer them in various fields of medicine.
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Platelet rich plasma (PRP), Osteoarthritis, Cellular therapy, Autologous
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