
A New Type of Brachyuran Seminal Receptacle in the Masked Crab Ethusa Mascarone (brachyura, Ethusidae)

Journal of morphology(2016)

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ABSTRACTThe reproductive system of the female Ethusa mascarone was studied with a combination of histological and MRI‐techniques. The study reveals a completely new type of eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. This receptacle consists of two largely separate chambers that engage with each other in a manner similar to shaking hands. One chamber facing the medial axis is lined by cuticle while the second chamber consists of a thick holocrine epithelium. Both chambers are connected by two openings of a unique structure. First, the glandular chamber opens ventro‐laterally to the cuticle chamber via a laterally flattened connective duct that is lined by a highly folded cuticle. A second opening connects both chambers dorsally with the oviduct orifice. A distinct character is the cuticular hook‐like projection that is situated in between the connection of oviduct opening, the glandular chamber and the cuticle chamber of the seminal receptacle. The complete seminal receptacle exhibits a combination of plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters. The arrangement of the receptacles featured in two separate chambers, including the ventro‐lateral connection of the glandular chamber to the cuticle chamber, presumably reflects an early evolutionary stage of an eubrachyuran receptacle. In contrast, the dorso‐lateral opening between both chambers, including the hook‐like projection, appears to be an apomorphic character of at least E. mascarone. J. Morphol. 277:1497–1508, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ethusa mascarone,reproductive system,seminal receptacle,histology,magnetic resonance imaging
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