A new model of paired clinical teaching of international and Danish medical students.


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INTRODUCTION: Since 2006, one hospital has offered two clinical courses in obstetrics/gynaecology and paediatrics to international (I) students. However, as I-student enrolment increased, the hospital faced cut-backs. As from 2010, I-team course evaluations therefore dropped to unacceptable levels and more I-than Danish (DK) students failed - exams. Therefore, in 2012 we started a three-year internationalisation project (I-project) at two hospitals. The primary intervention was to pair training for I-and DK-students at clinical contact, and to offer an exclusive daily lecturer for I-teams. METHODS: We compared the course evaluations and exam grades of I-teams and DK teams for two years prior to (107 from I-teams - 211 participants from DK-teams) and during the I-project (245 participants from I-teams -575 from DK-teams). RESULTS: During the I-project, the I-teams' course evaluations increased to acceptable values and to levels comparable to the evaluation scores of DK-teams. Furthermore, I-students now considered that their communication with the patients was acceptable. Before the I-project, I-students had lower exam grades (median = 10 (range: 0-12)) than DK-students (10 (4-12)) (p = 0.03), but during the I-project, exam grades increased to the levels achieved by DK-students (10 (2-12) - 10 (0-12) (p = 0.22), and no more I-than DK-students failed exams (p = 0.51). CONCLUSIONS: Pairing students for clinical training and allocating an exclusive lecturer for I-teams produced improved courses for internationalisation. Allocating an exclusive lecturer was associated with a cost of about 615 EUR per student per course when the team consisted of ten students.
danish medical students,clinical teaching,medical students
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