
[Epidemiological and Clinical Aspects of Prurigo in HIV Infected Patients in Fousseyni N'Daou Hospital of Kayes, Mali].

Le Mali medical(2018)

引用 23|浏览17
INTRODUCTION:Prurigo is one of the most common dermatological conditions during HIV infection and AIDS. It appears as an immunosuppression marker associated with HIV infection. The study objective was to determine the prevalence of prurigo in people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) in Fousseyni N'Daou Hospital of Kayes, and to describe the socio-demographic aspects of patients and lesions associated with prurigo among PLHIV.METHODS:It was a descriptive cross-sectional study included all cases of HIV infected patients with prurigo in the Dermatology-Venomology Department of Fousseyni N'DAOU Hospital from January 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015.RESULTS:We collected 121 cases of prurigo. The hospital prevalence was 14.5% among PLHIV with 65% Female and the average age was 34.8 years old (SD: 15-81 years). The elementary lesions associated with prurigo were seropapules (40.2%), vesiculo-crusts (13%), excoriated papules (33.3%), lichenified papules (10.8%), and cicatricial lesions (2.7%). The prurigo was generalized in 68.5% of cases and localized in 31.24%. More than half of our patients had weight loss, fever, diarrhea and oral candidiasis in their medical history. Patients were infected with HIV1 in 60.03% and HIV1+ 2 in 24.3%. More than the half of our patients had a CD4 count inferior to 250 cells/mm3 at the time of prurigo diagnosis.CONCLUSION:In our study, prurigo remains a common condition in PLHIV, particularly in patients with low CD4 counts. Early detection and rapid antietroviral therapy can reduce the frequency of prurigo in PLHIV.
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