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Can Water Lacerate a Tendon? A Car-Wash Accident: A Lacerated Extensor Hallucis Longus Tendon.

Turkish journal of emergency medicine/Türkiye acil tıp dergisi(2018)

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Our purpose in this report, involving an unusual mechanism described for the first time in the literature, is to show that high-pressure water sprays used for washing cars can cause injury to the extensor hallucis longus (EHL). A 21-year-old man presented to our emergency department (ED) due to looseness in the hallux. His history revealed that while operating a pressurized water spray machine for car-washing one week before, he had inadvertently sprayed his foot, and despite wearing protective plastic boots this had resulted in a laceration at the level of the hallux, which had been sutured in a state hospital. Cleaning equipment using pressurized water can be dangerous if sufficient safety measures are not taken. We think that such occupational accidents with serious outcomes can be prevented through simple protective measures.
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Key words
Work accident,Pressurized water,Extensor hallucis longus tendon
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