Lower working heights decrease contraction intensity of shoulder muscles in a herringbone 30° milking parlor

Journal of Dairy Science(2017)

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Musculoskeletal disorders have been a main concern in milkers for many years. To improve posture, a formula was developed in a previous study to calculate ergonomically optimal working heights for various milking parlor types. However, the working height recommendations based on the formula for the herringbone 30° parlor were broad. To clarify the recommendations for the optimal working height, we investigated the effect of working height on upper limb and shoulder muscle contraction intensities. We evaluated 60 milking cluster attachment procedures in a herringbone 30° milking parlor in 7 men and 9 women. Specifically, we examined the effect of working height on muscle contraction intensity of 4 arm and shoulder muscles bilaterally (flexor carpi ulnaris, biceps brachii, deltoideus anterior, and upper trapezius) by using surface electromyography. The working heights (low, medium, and high), which reflect the ratio of the subject's height to the height of the udder base, were used in the milking health formula to determine and fit individual depth of pits. Data were evaluated for each muscle and arm side in the functions holding and attaching. Statistical analysis was performed using linear mixed effects models, where muscle contraction intensity served as a target variable, whereas working height coefficient, sex, subject height, and repetition were treated as fixed effects, and repetition group nested in working height nested in subject was considered a random effect. Contraction intensities decreased with decreasing working height for the deltoideus anterior and upper trapezius, but not for the flexor carpi ulnaris or the biceps brachii muscles in both holding and attaching arm functions. We found that milking at a lower working height reduced muscle contraction intensities of the shoulder muscles. Women showed higher contraction intensities than men, whereas subject height had no effect. The study demonstrated that a lower working height decreased muscular load during milking. These lower working heights should be used within the recommendations made by the milking health formula for the herringbone 30°. Working heights could be adjusted effectively for milkers of varying body height. Future studies should therefore use the milking health formula as a tool to objectively compare and improve the accuracy of the working height coefficients.
milking health formula,ergonomics,physical load,electromyography
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