Child, Maternal and Demographic Factors Influencing Caregiver-Reported Autistic Trait Symptomatology in Toddlers

D. A. Goh,D. Gan, J. Kung, S. Baron-Cohen,C. Allison,H. Chen,S. M. Saw,Y. S. Chong, V. S. Rajadurai,K. H. Tan,P. C. L. Shek,F. Yap, B. F. P. Broekman,I. Magiati

Journal of autism and developmental disorders(2018)

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Current research on children’s autistic traits in the general population relies predominantly on caregiver-report, yet the extent to which individual, caregiver or demographic characteristics are associated with informants’ ratings has not been sufficiently explored. In this study, caregivers of 396 Singaporean two-year-olds from a birth cohort study completed the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers. Children’s gender, cognitive functioning and birth order, maternal age, and ethnic group membership were not significant predictors of caregiver-reported autistic traits. Poorer child language development and higher maternal depressive symptoms significantly predicted more social-communicative autistic traits, while lower maternal education predicted more behavioural autistic traits. Children’s language and informants’ educational level and depressive symptomatology may need to be considered in caregiver-reports of autistic traits.
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Key words
Autistic traits,Child,Demographic,Informant,Measurement,Predictors.
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