
Towards Adaptation of Water Resource Systems to Climatic and Socio-Economic Change

Water resources management(2017)

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Climate change is viewed as the major threat to the security of water supplies in most parts of the world in the coming decades, and the water resources literature continues to be dominated by impact and risk assessments based on the latest climate projections from General Circulation Models (GCMs). However, the evidence for anthropogenic changes in precipitation and streamflow records continues to be elusive which, together with the known high uncertainty in GCM ensemble projections, has led to the development of risk assessment methods which are not driven exclusively by GCMs. It is argued that a baseline risk assessment should retain the assumption of climatic stationarity, and be based on the modelling of observed interannual variability as a dominant process in determining water resource system reliability, augmented where justifiable by reliable information from GCMs. However, irrespective of what the climate does in the future, globalization and socio-economic changes are the major drivers for increases in water demand and threats to water security, as exemplified by the burgeoning economies of the BRIC and MINT countries, and the large population increases and economic growth seen in many developing countries. It is suggested that more attention needs to be paid to adaptation to socio-economic change which is arguably more predictable than climatic change, based on what is already known about population and economic growth, lifestyle changes and human choices. More focus is needed on economic analyses that can inform the major investments in water use efficiency measures which can deliver the water savings needed to avert widespread water scarcity. The effectiveness of water use efficiency measures is largely determined by (a) the potential of modern information technology to achieve more efficient water resources management and water use and (b) human responses and choices in the uptake of measures. To assess the potential efficiency gains, it is argued that water resource systems modelling needs to evolve to incorporate the human dimension more explicitly, through Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS) modelling. A CHANS modelling framework is outlined which incorporates agent-based modelling to represent individual choices within the human system, and prospects for assessing the effectiveness of efficiency measures involving individual human responses are discussed.
Climate change,Climatic variability,Socio-economic,Adaptation,Risk,Impacts,Vulnerabilty,Demand-supply gap,Real-time operational control,Human system,Agent-based modelling
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