
Facilitating the Analysis of the Multifocal Electroretinogram Using the Free Software Environment R

European journal of ophthalmology(2018)

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Purpose: The large amount of data rendered by the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) can be analyzed and visualized in various ways. The evaluation and comparison of more than one examination is time-consuming and prone to create errors. Using the free software environment R we developed a solution to average the data of multiple examinations and to allow a comparison of different patient groups. Methods: Data of single mfERG recordings as exported in .csv format from a RETIport 21 system (version 7/03, Roland Consult) or manually compiled .csv files are the basis for the calculations. The R software extracts response densities and implicit times of N1 and P1 for the sum response, each ring eccentricity, and each single hexagon. Averages can be calculated for as many subjects as needed. The mentioned parameters can then be compared to another group of patients or healthy subjects. Application of the software is illustrated by comparing 11 patients with chloroquine maculopathy to a control group of 7 healthy subjects. Results: The software scripts display response density and implicit time 3D plots of each examination as well as of the group averages. Differences of the group averages are presented as 3D and grayscale 2D plots. Both groups are compared using the t-test with Bonferroni correction. The group comparison is furthermore illustrated by the average waveforms and by boxplots of each eccentricity. Conclusions: This software solution on the basis of the programming language R facilitates the clinical and scientific use of the mfERG and aids in interpretation and analysis.
Chloroquine,Hydroxychloroquine,Maculopathy,Multifocal electroretinogram
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