
P2‐424: Standardization of the eyes test in normal adult subjects

Alzheimers & Dementia(2011)

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The Theory of the Mind (TOM), term proposed by Premack and Woodruff, refers to the ability to infer about the mental states of mind of others, involving the understanding and prediction of the behavior of other people, their knowledge, intentions and believes. The eyes test of Baron-Cohen is one of the instruments more used in the clinical practice to evaluate the TOM in various pathologies as autism, Asperger's syndrome, schizophrenia, dementia, and others. In spite of the wide investigations, there are no normative of the test in Spanish speaking. 210 normal adult subjects between 20 and 93 years were evaluated (Argencog Standardization Program of Diagnostic Tests in the Cognitive Neurosciences Area). 42.4% (89) were men and 57.6% (121) were women. For the general evaluation of the mental state, the Folstein Minimental Test was administered. It showed a media of 28.92 and a standard deviation (SD) of 1.29. The exclusion criteria were. Age < 20 years and MMSE < 24 Neurological background, psychiatric, drug abuse, trauma of skull with loss of consciousness, drugs intake or systemic illness that may affect the intellectual performance. They were divided in 4 age groups: < 55 years (G1), 56-65 years (G2), 66-75 (G3) and > 75 years (G4). The groups were matched by age, education, MMSE and Beck's Inventory. The Media and SD grouped by age and education were obtained. For the Eyes Test the general media was 23.36 and the SD was 4.87. For sex recognition the general media was 34.33 and the SD 2.06. Better performance was observed in the eyes test in the group of greater educational level (r = 0.32; P < 0.001) and less performance in G4 (r = −0.14; p < 0.03). There was a significant difference between the age groups in the eyes test (ANOVA p < 0.001) and for sex (ANOVA p < 0.001). This study represents the Argentine version of the Eyes Test of Baron Cohen in a group of 210 normal adult subjects, being this one the first standardization in Spanish speaking population. It has to be validated in a study of different diseases.
eyes,normal adult subjects,standardization,test
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