
240 pulse wave velocity, cardiovascular risk factors, adipokines and inflammatory markers in young adults followed-up for 18 years, since childhood and adolescence. rio de janeiro study

Journal of Hypertension(2012)

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Objective: To evaluate blood pressure (BP), metabolic and anthropometric indexes, adipokines, and inflamatory markers in a young population followed-up for 18 years, since childhood and adolescence, stratified by PWV terciles obtained in young adulthood. Design/Methods: 96 subjects (51 M) from the Rio de Janeiro Study were followed-up for 17.76±1.63 years. They were evaluated at their schools – A1 (10–15 yo) and as young adults – A2 (26–35 yo)and divided in three groups according to PWV tercile (G1 − 1st tercile; G2 – 2nd tercile and G3 – 3rd tercile) Terciles were calculated for each gender. BP, body mass index (BMI) were obtained in A1 and A2. In A2, glucose (G), cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c e triglycerides, PWV by Complior method, PCR-hs, VCAM, ICAM, E-selectin, adiponectin (Adip), leptin, insulin (Ins), and HOMA-IR were also obtained. Results: 1) Variables obtained in A1 were not different among the groups; 2) In A2, G3 showed higher SBP, DBP, MBP, BMI, E-selectin, Ins, HOMA-IR (p<0.05), lower Adip and higher positive variation of DBP and BMI in the 18 year-period of follow-up (p<0.04) than G1; 3) In multiple regression analyses, a model including age, male gender, MBP, and BMI showed that only male gender and MBP showed positive correlation with PWV (R2=0.425, p<0.0001). Addition of lipid variables, Adip or E-selectin to the model didn’t change the result. Conclusion: PWV in young adulthood was associated to male gender, elevated BP, higher E-selectin and Ins, lower Adip and higher variation of BP and BMI in a 18 year-period of follow-up, since childhood and adolescence.
cardiovascular risk factors,cardiovascular risk,pulse wave velocity,adipokines,inflammatory markers
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