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Surgical Management of Ileocecocolic Intussusception in a Korean Native Calf: a Case Report

Veterinární medicína(2013)

Cited 2|Views13
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A two-month-old male 40 kg Korean native calf was referred to the Chonbuk Animal Medical Centre, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University because of prolonged diarrhoea, depression, and anorexia lasting three weeks. On physical examination, abdominal distension presented in the right flank and a percussion sound was audible. A round-shaped lesion was observed in the area of the large intestine on computed tomography and ultrasonography, and a diagnosis of intestinal intussusception was made. A surgical operation was decided upon immediately to correct the intussusception. An infarct lesion was found during surgery, and the lesion was observed on the intussuscepted intestines including the cecum, ileum, and colon. The area of intussusception was excised, and an anastomosis was performed. Despite intensive and supportive care, the patient died one day after the surgery due to poor general condition. An ileocecocolic intussusception is an uncommon case compared within other intestinal intussusceptions. Most affected calves have a history of severe diarrhoea and the prognosis is guarded due to poor general condition. Good survival can be expected if patients are diagnosed quickly.
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ileocecocolic intussusception,caecal intussusception,calf,Korean native calf
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