:enviFuge - A Novel Approach for Space Medicine and Life Science Experiments

AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies (MST) Conference(2013)

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The application of AG generated by short diameter centrifuges has been proposed by a number of scientists and space agencies as a countermeasure against microgravity induced physiological degradation during long-term space missions, e.g. to Mars. The major objective of :enviFuge is to obtain extensive knowledge of hypergravity effects on the cardiovascular system, the cardio-vegetative regulation, the orthostatic regulation and other physiological systems. Therefore a unique research and training device, the :enviFuge, has been defined by DLR and developed by AMST Systemtechnik GmbH, and is located at DLR’s brand-new :envihab in Cologne. Operation of this multipurpose research and training centrifuge started in the middle of 2013. :enviFuge features multiple research
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space medicine,experiments,science
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