
Changes in microbiota of rainbow trout caused by sediments contamination

Central European Journal of Biology(2013)

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The abundance, composition and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, as possible biomarkers of contamination with oil hydrocarbons, of autochthonous and alochtonous microbiota of the digestive tract of rainbow trout have been estimated. The samples of the bottom sediments for microbiological tests have been collected and a response of natural bacterial communities in the digestive tract of rainbow trout and nutritional changes has been investigated. Experimental fish have been fed with a mixture of three substances with the aim to assess the influence of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria contained in the sediments on the microbiota of rainbow trout’s digestive tracts. The abundance values of rainbow trout intestinal heterotrophic bacteria were found to change depending on alochtonous microbiota of different bottom sediments given to the experimental fish with food in vitro . According to the results of our research, it is likely that the changes in the abundance values of the microbiota of the digestive tract of fish and in the proportions of functional groups of the bacteria allow us to determine changes in the functional activity of bacteria depending on food composition. Any relative increase or decrease of abundance or activity of alochtonous microbiota allows the prediction of toxic effects of the contaminants on animals and the environment.
Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, Fish, Digestive tract, Toxic effect
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