
Skipping of Atp-Binding Cassette Transporter A3 Exon 19 in Aml Cells is an Independent Prognostic Factor in Patients with Normal Cytogenetics


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ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters are a superfamily of highly conserved membrane proteins that transport a wide variety of substrates across cell membranes and confer drug resistance against a wide range of chemotherapeutic agents. We recently found that WT1, which is regularly overexpressed in AML and interact with the splicing machinery, modifies the splicing of ABC transporters A2, A3, A5, and C2. For ABCA3, WT1 knock-down in three AML cell line coupled with Affymetrix HTA2 exon arrays analysis confirmed by exon-specific PCR revealed that WT1 influences the skipping of exon 19. ABCA3 belongs in the ABC subclass and induces a significant reduction in cytotoxicity observed following exposure to DNR, mitoxantrone, etoposide, Ara-C and vincristine. The ABCA3 domain encoded by exon 19 (amino acid 805-847) is localized at the junction of the first nucleotide-binding domain and the second transmembrane domain, and is involved in ATP hydrolysis. In silico, skipping of exon 19 deletes a sequence of 32 amino acids rich in positively charged residues and is thereby assumed to increase drug efflux through increased ATP hydrolysis. The effects of the skipping of exon 19 on chemoresistance and DNR efflux are currently investigated while for the present study, we hypothesized that skipping of exon 19 of ABCA3 might negatively influence outcome in AML patients.
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