
Reduction of the Oestrogenic Effect of Zearalenone in Pigs by a Feed Additive

Acta veterinaria Brno(2014)

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Zearalenone is phenolic resorcyclic acid lactone produced by a number of Fusarium species grown on grains, predominantly on maize, in high moisture environment. Due to its oestrogenic effects, feeds contaminated with zearalenone can cause striking negative effects on reproduction primarily in pigs. The aim of the study was to test the efficiency of a feed additive developed for enzymatic decomposition of mycotoxins. A total of sixty 6-week-old conventional Dutch Landrace × Hungarian Large White F1 female pigs weaned at 30 ± 2 days of age were divided into 6 groups of 10 animals. Between 50 and 70 days of age, 4 groups of pigs (experimental) were treated with zearalenone (8 or 16 mg/pig dose) administered every other day via an oesophageal tube; pigs from the other two groups were not treated with zearalenone and served as controls. Throughout the experiment, the diet of two experimental groups and one control group was supplemented with a feed additive (named: Detoxa Plus) at a concentration of 1 kg/tonne; pigs from the other control group received neither zearalenone treatment, nor the feed additive. Pigs’ live weight, weight of ovaries and uterus, histological characteristics of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, spleen and lymph nodes, liver concentrations of zearalenone and its metabolites (α- and β-zearalenol) were studied. This study showed the preventive capacity of the feed additive against zearalenone. Positive effects included the prevention of uterine enlargement, beneficial effects on the histopathological scores of ovaries, uterus and vagina and reduced concentration of zearalenone and metabolites in the liver. This study demonstrates for the first time that due to its enzymatic activity Detoxa Plus renders zearalenone contaminated feeds less toxic.
Biodegradation,biotransformation,Detoxa Plus,F-2 fusarium toxin,oestrogenism
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