A novel approach for the cryodesiccated preservation of tissue-engineered skin substitutes with trehalose.

Materials Science and Engineering: C(2016)

Cited 13|Views25
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Tissue-engineered skin (TES) holds great promise for wound healing in the clinic. However, optimized preservation methods remain an obstacle for its wide application. In this experimental work, we developed a novel approach to preserve TES in the desiccated state with trehalose. The uptake of trehalose by fibroblasts under various conditions, including the trehalose concentration, incubation temperature and time, was studied. The cell viability was investigated by the MTT assay and CFSE/PI staining after cryodesiccation and rehydration. TES was then prepared and incubated with trehalose, and the wound healing effect was investigated after desiccated preservation. The results showed that the optimized conditions for trehalose uptake by fibroblasts were incubation in 200mM trehalose at 37°C for 8h. Cryodesiccated cells and TES maintained 37.55% and 28.31% viabilities of controls, respectively. Furthermore, cryodesiccated TES exhibited a similar wound healing effect to normal TES. This novel approach enabled the preservation and transportation of TES at ambient temperature with a prolonged shelf time, which provides great advantages for the application of TES.
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Key words
Tissue-engineered skin,Freeze-drying,Trehalose,Wound healing
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