
Effects of broiler breeder management on pullet body weight and carcass uniformity.

Poultry Science(2015)

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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of broiler breeder feeding management practices on pullet performance, BW uniformity, and carcass traits during rearing (to 22 wk of age). At 3 wk of age, 1,200 Ross 308 breeder pullets were assigned to one of 5 treatments: 1) control: standard mash diet, fed daily; 2) high fiber: mash diet containing 25% lower nutrient density, fed daily; 3) scatter: standard diet in pellet form scattered on litter, fed daily; 4) skip-a-day: standard mash diet, fed on alternate days; or 5) grading: standard mash diet, fed daily (birds sorted into low, average, and high BW groups every 4 wk). Birds on the high fiber treatment consumed more feed (P < 0.0001) and had the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR; P < 0.004) but the lowest ME to gain and CP to gain ratios (P ≤ 0.002). Skip-a-day treatment pullets consumed more ME and CP than birds in any other treatment (P < 0.001). Grading yielded the highest BW uniformity at 22 wk of age (CV = 6.2%), while control and high fiber treatment groups were least uniform (CV > 15%; P < 0.0001). Skip-a-day feed restriction produced birds with the significantly lowest breast muscle and highest liver weight compared to all other treatments (P < 0.05). Variation in shank length, chest width, and breast muscle was lowest in the grading treatment, whereas the CV for fat pad and liver was lowest in the skip-a-day treatment. In this trial, broiler breeder target BW profiles were achieved using combinations of quantitative and qualitative feed restriction, or preemptive management practices. Qualitative diet dilution and skip-a-day management did little to increase flock uniformity relative to the control during the most intense period of feed restriction (7 to 19 wk). Scatter feeding increased flock uniformity to a small degree, whereas grading yielded the highest increase in BW and carcass trait uniformity.
feed restriction,management,pullet program,flock uniformity,sorting
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