
Addiction characteristics as prognostic factors in opiate dependence treated with naltrexone]

A Madoz-Gúrpide, E Barbudo del Cura, M Leira Sanmartín,M Navio Acosta, L Villoria Borrego,E Ochoa Mangado

Actas españolas de psiquiatría(2004)

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Addiction characteristics as prognostic factors in opiate dependence treatment were studied. Thus, several factors related to previous opiate consumption record were considered (current heroin route, amount of heroin, onset age of heroin consumption, time of heroin consumption, other drug consumption record).To establish the prognostic value of addiction characteristics in a naltrexone program for opiate dependence.To achieve this objective, an observational, retrospective study was designed with a design of a treatment group with no control group. 945 subjects diagnosed of opiate dependence who were consecutively hospitalized voluntarily in the naltrexone program of the Hospital Ramon y Cajal of Madrid during 1991-1995 form a part of the study population. Descriptive and survival techniques were used to analyze the data.Previous intravenous heroin route, chronic heroin consumption record, onset age of heroin use younger than 17 or older than 25, and other drug consumption especially benzodiazepine and also cocaine provide a prognostic value for a worse outcome. High quantities of heroin consumption also tend to be associated with a poorer evolution.Several addiction characteristics (current previous route, onset age of heroin consumption, quantity of heroin consumption, time of heroin consumption, other drug consumption) have a prognostic value for treatment evolution. Further studies are necessary to provide a more complete knowledge of addiction characteristics as prognosis factors in opiate dependence treatment.
heroin,naltrexone,opiate dependence.,addiction characteristics,prognosis factor
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