
Coping with My Partner'S Icd and Cardiac Disease


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The Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is an implantable biomedical device that monitors and treats abnormal heartbeats when they occur. The device is attached to the heart with 1 to 3 leads that carry information from the heart to the ICD, allowing it to record heart function, selectively provide pacing if the heart beats too fast or too slowly, and/or administer high-energy shocks if more serious heart rhythms are detected. The primary purpose of the ICD is to prevent premature sudden cardiac death. However, the device can also provide a sense of security, which allows resumption of normal life activities. Current research has suggested that psychological distress can occur in ICD patients and their partners. Anxiety may be more prevalent in ICD partners than in ICD patients.1 ICD partners are particularly worried about ICD shocks, even more so than the patients themselves.2 This Patient Page describes common challenges associated with the psychological adjustment of ICD partners and offers possible strategies to consider in managing these difficulties. A summary is provided in the Table. View this table: Table. Summary of Suggested Strategies for the Partners of Patients With ICDs Once the ICD has been implanted, lifestyle adjustments can be made that promote health and well-being. However, such adjustments may take time and a bit of work; most people take about 3 months to adjust to such major life changes. A patient’s adjustment often mirrors the partner’s adjustment, so effective coping can improve both of your lives. ### Patient Acceptance Patient acceptance refers to how well an individual adapts to the ICD and accepts its pros and cons. Patients and partners may differ on how well they accept the device. The hope for ICD patients is that they reengage with the confidence of having “an emergency room in the chest”; yet some patients experience difficulty and …
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