Laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) pyeloplasty for horseshoe ureteropelvic junction obstruction.


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Background and Objective: Pyeloplasty in horseshoe kidneys can be challenging clue to aberrant vasculature, renal malrotation, and ectopic location. Fewer than 20 cases of minimally invasive (MIS) pyeloplasty in horseshoe kidneys have been reported in the literature to date. We herein report the first 2 cases of laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction in horseshoe kidneys. Methods: Two patients with symptomatic ureteropelvic junction obstruction in horseshoe kidneys were treated with an Anderson-Hynes LESS pyeloplasty. This was performed using three 5-mm trocars through a single umbilical incision, plus an accessory 3-mm port at the anterior axillary line to facilitate suturing and subsequent drain placement. Results: Both patients had BMI <23. The operative times were 204 minutes and 171 minutes. Blood loss was negligible, and no intraoperative complications occurred. To date, 9-month renography for patient 1 demonstrates stable renal function and unobstructed drainage. After stent removal, patient 2 was asymptomatic. Conclusion: In experienced hands, LESS reconstructive techniques are applicable to complex renal anomalies. LESS pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction associated with horseshoe kidneys is feasible, safe, and effective in select patients.
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Key words
LESS,Ureteropelvic junction obstruction,pyeloplasty,Horseshoe kidney
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