
Status of the confinement physics research facility (CPRF) construction program

Oakland, CA, USA(1990)

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Summary form only given, as follows. Construction of the CPRF and the ZTH reversed field pinch fusion experiment is continuing with integrated system checkout scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of FY93. First operation will be up to 1.7-MA plasma current; 2 MA can be achieved by the addition of a 60-MVA power supply and 4 MA by the addition of 800 MVA of power supplies and the modification of key components. The expected plasma temperature is 1 keV/MA. Design of all components except the power supplies is complete, and the program is presently focused on construction and modifications of buildings and fabrication of components. Modifications to the torus hall are near completion. Installation of the 1430-MVA generator which will supply power to the CPRF will be complete by August 1990 and the power supply building will be finished by October 1990. All magnet coils will be completed and received by the end of 1990. A contract has been placed for the manufacture of the torus, and work is proceeding on schedule. Carbon armor is being tested at Sandia National Laboratory
fusion reactor theory and design,pinch effect,plasma toroidal confinement,1.7 MA,1430-MVA generator,2 MA,4 MA,AD 1990,AD 1993,C armor,Sandia National Laboratory,ZTH reversed field pinch fusion experiment,armour,buildings,components,confinement physics research facility,construction program,fabrication,integrated system checkout,magnet coils,plasma temperature,power supplies,power supply building,torus hall,
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