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Reducing breakthrough dislocation toward Si/SiGe heterostructure to improve advanced HKMG SRAM device performance by optimizing fluorine co-implantation

Y L Chin, Y C Hu, M H Chang, T W Yu, W T Chen,C Y Yang, Y J Lin,C C Chien, J Y Wu

Junction Technology(2014)

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This paper studies how boron thermal diffusion in SiGe heterostructure are influenced by different source drain extension high-energy fluorine implant after SiGe thermal process for advanced HKMG SRAM device. Different fluorine profiles may introduce different fluorine concentration along Si/SiGe interface and result in fluorine interstitial cluster at different SiGe positions after SiGe 700°C thermal process. Blanket wafer secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) profiles were compared for different implant schemes and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs to establish the conditions under which F high energy implant suppresses B diffusion and cause breakthough dislocation at the bottom of SiGe. By tuning F co-implant from high energy into low energy, the breakthrough dislocations at the bottom of SiGe can be eliminated due to less clusters were formed. From real HKMG SRAM p-MOSFET device learning, better junction leakage improvement was found by Flow energy co-implant due to the elimination of cluster-induced dislocations. Ion/Ioff performance enhancement can also be found by suppresing boron transient enhanced diffusion (TED) from in-situ boron doped SiGe. Possible germanium concentration change inside SiGe with different boron diffusion mechanism by different fluorine co-implants may also influence the strain inside SiGe heterostructure and result in electrical device performance.
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Key words
mosfet,sram chips,boron,dislocations,fluorine,learning (artificial intelligence),optimisation,secondary ion mass spectroscopy,silicon,silicon compounds,thermal diffusion,transmission electron microscopy,b,f,hkmg sram p-mosfet device learning,sims profiles,si-sige,ted,tem micrographs,advanced hkmg sram device performance,blanket wafer secondary ion mass spectroscopy profiles,boron diffusion mechanism,boron thermal diffusion,boron transient enhanced diffusion,breakthrough dislocation,cluster-induced dislocations,electrical device performance,fluorine coimplantation,fluorine coimplants,fluorine concentration,fluorine interstitial cluster,fluorine profiles,fow energy coimplant,germanium concentration,heterostructure,implant schemes,junction leakage improvement,source drain extension high-energy fluorine implant,temperature 700 degc,thermal process,transmission electron microscopy micrographs,germanium,learning artificial intelligence
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