
Hybrid battery for rapid charging of biomedical application

Biomedical Engineering International Conference(2014)

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Battery is one of the most reliable sources of energy in most of the modern electronic products. In modern medicine, there is a lot of medical devices use battery as their power source. Strangled by the long period of time needed to charge battery is one of the difficulties faced by most of the battery supported biomedical devices. Therefore, we come up with a solution to solve the charging time weakness. By combining the fast charging property of super-capacitor and high energy density lithium ion battery, a new hybrid battery is produced. Giving a breakthrough in charging process, this hybrid battery reduced significant amount of time needed during charging without reduces the performance and lifespan of the battery. The energy must be able to withstand for a longer period and the hybrid battery capacity is equivalent to standard lithium ion battery. In the initial 7 minutes charging, hybrid battery charge 3.7 times faster than regular battery. As for fully charge case, hybrid battery saves 21.45 minutes to achieve fully charged status. This hybrid battery has faster charging speed without reducing too much on the energy density compared to the commercial lithium ion battery.
battery charge measurement,biomedical electronics,hybrid power systems,secondary cells,biomedical application,biomedical devices,charge battery,charging process,charging time weakness,commercial lithium ion battery,electronic products,fast charging property,high energy density,hybrid battery capacity,power source,rapid charging,regular battery,reliable energy source,supercapacitor,time 7 min,Hybrid battery,fast charging,rapid charging,super-capacitor,
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