The 21/3 rule for magnetic susceptibility of gadolinium

Physics of the Solid State(2010)

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The dependences of the magnetization M and the magnetic susceptibility χ = ∂M/∂H of pure gadolinium (the concentration of foreign impurities is lower than 0.1 wt %) on the temperature T and the magnetic field H have been measured using a Quantum Design MPMS-5XL SQUID magnetometer. In this material, inhomogeneities of the atomic structure should not lead to a nonuniform distribution of the magnetic characteristics (including the Curie temperature T C) over the volume of the sample. The obtained dependences of M and χ have been used to investigate the possibility of suppressing magnetic inhomogeneities of other types by magnetic fields with a strength of up to 50 kOe. It has been assumed that these inhomogeneities are suppressed when the specific relationship, namely, the 21/3 rule is fulfilled. The rule relates the portions of the dependence χ(T, H) which at the temperature T = T C and at the maximum in the curve χ(T) (T = T m ) depend on H in accordance with the H 2/3 law. It has been shown that the portions separated from the experimental curves χ(T C, H) and χ(T m , H) obey the 21/3 rule.
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Key words
Magnetic Field, Magnetic Susceptibility, Gadolinium, Curie Temperature, Atomic Structure
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