Quality assurance of point-of-care testing in the Costa del Sol Healthcare Area (Marbella, Spain)

Clinica Chimica Acta(2001)

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Traditionally, point-of-care testing (POCT) has been used throughout the healthcare system without the involvement of the central laboratory. After an exhaustive study of the situation of these laboratories in the Costa del Sol Healthcare Area, we designed a quality control program for the POCT. This program targeted the tests done at the points of care throughout the hospital and the Primary Healthcare Area (PHA), using the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organisations (JCAHO) standards for waived testing. We developed two programs: hospital-based tests and ambulatory POCT for outpatients in PHA. The hospital-based POCT apparatus was used for gases, glucose, qualitative urinalysis, Helicobacter pylori detection in gastrointestinal biopsies and coagulation tests. Ambulatory POCT was used to detect glucose, qualitative urinalysis and pregnancy tests. The personnel responsible are nursing staff with no continuing training program. There was no explicit quality control program and most of the results were used as screening except for glucose in the neonatal department. Criteria for selection of kits and devices were basically based on ergonomic and economic evaluation. Therefore, we performed an evaluation of precision and accuracy of two glucose meter devices. We implemented the internal and external quality programs (IQC and EQC) for glucose testing. We elaborated a guide of standard proceedings for quantitative and qualitative POCT and created an annual course for nursing staff. The annual evaluation of the indicators showed 96% for degree of compliance with IQC; 54% of nursing staff participated in the training program; 98% of the glucometers were operating; and 88% agreement between central laboratory and POCT. As there is no previous experience in our healthcare system, this represents a promising new area of working with nurses, who show great interest in participating in these new programs.
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Key words
Point-of-care,Primary care,Laboratory,Quality
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