Place de l'aspirine dans le traitement médicamenteux de l'accident de désaturation


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Objective. We have performed a survey on the use of aspirin in decompression sickness (DCS) treatment in French hyperbaric centers'. We also conducted a review of literature to determine if aspirin was beneficial to treat human victims of DCS. Methods. Prospective observational study investigating French hyperbaric centers' prescription of aspirin to DCS' divers victims. The question we asked by mail or phone to French hyperbaric centers was: Do you give some aspirin to a diver with DCS if this treatment has not been given yet (on the site of accident). Results. A large majority of French hyperbaric centers (77.5%) consider aspirin in DCS treatment. However this practice is not consensual. There is no evidence from the literature to support the efficiency of aspirin in DCS. Conclusions. Although aspirin is widely used for DCS treatment in France, more research is needed to determine if aspirin is useful.
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plongée sous-marine,accident de désaturation,traitement médicamenteux,aspirine,antiagrégants plaquettaires
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