
Applications of Corine Land Cover in Romania


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The work presents two major applications of CLC 1990 in Romania. The first application, requested by Romanian Waters National Administration, analyse the Romanian land cover of the Danube River catchments area upstream the hydrological monitoring stations accord- ing with the monitoring and information network EUROWATERNET designed by the Euro- pean Topic Centre on Inland Waters (ETC/IW). The second application (Romanian grass- land inventory project) used CLC 1990 to identify and select representative grasslands areas necessary to characterise and evaluate the Romanian grasslands for conservation reasons and management needs. 1. Land use of the Romanian rivers catchments areas The European Topic Center on Inland Water (ETC/IW) has designed and tested an informa- tion and monitoring network (EUROWATERNET) for European Environment Agency (EEA) made to provide information that meets the requirements of its customers including the European Commission, other makers, national regulatory bodies and the general public. Romania, as part of this network, has also to provide information about its inland water re- sources and water quality issues. The technical guidelines for implementation (Nixon S.,, 1998) describe the information necessary for EUROWATERNET database: rivers, hydrographic basin, monitoring stations (coordinates), length from river spring to monitoring station, surface of the area upstream the monitoring station, land cover of these surfaces. Five spatial layers were processed (figure1): Romanian river basins, hydrological monitoring stations, rivers catchments area upstream the monitoring stations, Corine Land Cover 1990 reclassified after EUROWATERNET classes and land cover corresponding to the catch- ments area upstream the monitoring stations (figure2).
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