
Eradication of Tumor Cells after Injection into Immunized Hosts Compared with the Eradication of Tumor Cells after Transfer of Immune Peritoneal Exudates into Tumor-Bearing Recipients

Cancer immunology, immunotherapy/Cancer immunology and immunotherapy(1983)

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DBA/2 mice were immunized against the syngeneic SL2 lymphoma by two or five injections with irradiated lymphoma cells given IP or SC, respectively. The antitumor efficacy induced in immunized mice was tested by (a) IP injection of the immunized mice with nonirradiated tumor cells and (b) transfer of the total ‘immune’ peritoneal exudate, the cellular fraction only, or the cell-free fraction only, IP into tumor-bearing recipients, or (c) tumor neutralization tests (Winn assay). It was shown that immunized mice were able to reject 5×107 SL2 tumor cells (8 of 14 mice survived >100 days), while in most transfer experiments 2×105 SL2 cells could be eradicated. In the tumor neutralization experiments a number of 106 SL2 cells were eradicated. When the immune exudates were given before the inoculations of SL2 tumor cells the number of survivors increased significantly. Further, it was shown that the cellular fraction is the major contributor to the antitumor effect in the transfer experiments, since there was no significant difference in tumor eradication after injection of a complete immune exudate and after injection of the isolated cellular fraction. Injection of the noncellular fraction had no measurable antitumor effect. An increase in the number of injections with total peritoneal exudates from immunized mice did not result in an increase in tumor eradication in the tumor-bearing recipients.
Antitumor Effect,Immunize Mouse,Antitumor Efficacy,Transfer Experiment,Irradiate Cell
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