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Spitzer finds cosmic neon's and sulfur's sweet spot: part III, NGC 6822

IAU Symposium Proceedings Series(2010)

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We observed several H II regions in the dwarf irregular galaxy NOG 6822 using the infrared spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Our aim is twofold: first, to examine the neon to sulfur abundance ratio in order to determine how much it may vary and whether or not, it is fairly 'universal'; second, to discriminate and test the predicted ionizing spectral energy distribution between various stellar atmosphere models by comparing with our derivation of the ratio of fractional ionizations involving neon and sulfur. This work extends our previous similar studies of H II regions in M83 and M33 to lower metallicities.
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ISM: abundances,H II regions,stars: atmospheres,galaxies: individual (NGC 6822)
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