
Synthesis Of 1,2,5,7-Dithiadiazonan-6-Ylidenecyanamide. A New Potential Cysteamine Derivate Radioprotector Compound


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Molbank 2007, 2007(3), M550; Received: 19 January 2007 / Accepted: 24 February 2007 / Published: 30 May 2007 Download Download PDF Download PDF with Cover Download XML Download Epub Download Supplementary Material Versions Notes Keywords: Cysteamine; radioprotector; nine member ring IntroductionRadioprotectors have been described as a chemical compounds that protect certain normal tissues as opposed to tumors. [1] and have shown promise for protecting mammals against otherwise lethal effects of ionizing radiation; they are particular interest since they lack nitrogen, wich typically is present in antiradiation agents[2]. The action mechanism of radioprotectors is postulated that they act through their aminothiol derivative wich is libereted in vivo [3,4]. There has been reported in literature the synthesis of many radioprotector that interact with proteins [5] and also enhance its radiorpotective effect [6,7,8].Furthermore, the nucleophilic thiol grups present in radioprotectors, could also trap xenobiotic electrophilic intermediates originating from alkylating agents by formation of cavalent bonds.On the other hand some ciclic cysteamine radiportector realted compounds have been (I-IV) (Fig. 1).1,2,5,7-dithiadiazonan-6-ylidenecyanamide (3) was prepared from dithiomethylcyanourea (1) and cistamine (2) in methanol as solvent . A solution of methanol (50 mL) and sodium hydroxyde was prepared and 1 (g, mmol) in methanol (mL) was added and heated at 40 °C for 15 minutes, after that a solution of 2 (g, mmol) in methanol was added . When the addition was completed, the reaction mixture was stirred at reflux for 24 hrs. The solvent was eliminated using rotavapor and reaction mixture was poured into water and extracted with ehtyl acetate. The product was crystallized after eliminated solvent and recrystallized from ethanol as white powder (85% yield).Melting point: 152-154 °C (ethanol, uncorrected).IR (cm−1; KBr Disk) 3452 (N-H), 2220 (CN), 1609 (C=C).1H-NMR (300 MHz; CDCl3; Me4Si, δH): 9.50 (2H, s, NH), 3.76 (4H, m, N-CH2-), 3.52 (4H, m, -S-CH2-).13C-NMR (75 MHz; CDCl3; δC): 177.9 (C=N), 117.6 (CN), 47.42(-N-CH2-), 31.21 (-S-CH2-).MS m/z (rel %): 202(1.0 %), 172 (100%)Elemental Analysis: Calculated for C6H10N4S2 (202): C 35.62 %, H 4.98 %, N 27.70 %, S 31.77 % ; found : C 35.70 %, H 5.01 %, N 27.56 %, S 31.91 %. Supplementary materialsSupplementary File 1Supplementary File 2Supplementary File 3AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to acknowledge to PAPIIT/UNAM Proyect No IN213606 and ALPHARMA SA de CV, by partially support this work. We would like to thank C.Barajas F.Sotres and D.Jiménez for their skillful technical assistance and DGSCA-UNAM for their support. 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Synthesis of 1,2,5,7-dithiadiazonan-6-ylidenecyanamide. A New Potential Cysteamine Derivate Radioprotector Compound. Molbank 2007, 2007, M550. AMA Style Angeles E, Menconi I, Ramírez A, Velázquez AM, Camacho B, Ordónez G, Martínez I, Díaz-Barriga S, López-Castañares R. Synthesis of 1,2,5,7-dithiadiazonan-6-ylidenecyanamide. A New Potential Cysteamine Derivate Radioprotector Compound. Molbank. 2007; 2007(3):M550. Chicago/Turabian Style Angeles, Enrique, Italo Menconi, Alberto Ramírez, Ana María Velázquez, Brígida Camacho, Gerardo Ordónez, Ignacio Martínez, Sandra Díaz-Barriga, and Rafael López-Castañares. 2007. "Synthesis of 1,2,5,7-dithiadiazonan-6-ylidenecyanamide. A New Potential Cysteamine Derivate Radioprotector Compound" Molbank 2007, no. 3: M550. Find Other Styles Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here. 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Cysteamine, radioprotector, nine member ring
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