Prioritized Multi-Criteria Decision Making based on the Idea of PROMETHEE.

Procedia Computer Science(2013)

Cited 38|Views16
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There may be prioritizations among criteria in some practical multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems, which are called prioritized MCDM ones. The investigation of such a kind of problems benefits the development of the MCDM. However, the existing methods of prioritized MCDM cannot cover all situations, so we develop a new method based on the idea of PROMETHEE in this paper so as to overcome the drawbacks of the existing methods. After determining the preferences among alternatives by compare them in pairs, we construct an intuitionistic preference relation. A linear optimization model is then established to derive the ranking order of the alternatives. At length, a simple example is taken to illustrate the feasibility and practicability of our new method.
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Multi-criteria decision making,Prioritization,PROMETHEE,Intuitionistic preference relation
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