
Morphological Changes in Mouse Sublingual Gland Parenchyma Subjected to Chorda Tympani Resection

Okajimas folia anatomica japonica(2003)

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Morphological changes in the mouse sublingual gland parenchyma subjected to parasympathetic nerve block were investigated. Mice were subjected to unilateral resection of the chorda tympani, near its point of joining with the lingual nerve. After 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 20 weeks, the mice were killed and their sublingual glands were removed and processed for light and electron microscopy. Two weeks after resection, the space between the adjoining lobules of the glands on the treated side began to be expanded, and by 10 weeks were 10 times the size of the spaces in the glands of the untreated mice. Three weeks after resection, the lobule area decreased to about 72% of the area of glands in the untreated mice and the acinus area to about 52%. However, no significant difference was seen between the numbers of acini in each group. Electron microscopy showed that the glands on the treated side contained fewer secretory granules than the glands in the untreated mice, though there was no difference in size. Neither the lobules of the glands on the treated side nor those of the glands of the untreated mice contained many TUNEL-positive cells. These findings suggest that following parasympathetic nerve resection, mouse sublingual gland acinar cells undergo atrophy with a reduction size rather than cell death.
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