
VCARS - veterinary computerized anesthetic record system

Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia(2005)

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VCARS, the Veterinary Computerized Anesthetic Record System, has been developed to capture pre-, peri- and post-anesthetic data using Tablet PCs, 802.11b wireless networks, and a web-based database. Patient demographics, anticipated procedures and anesthetist, service information and hematologic and chemistry values are imported from the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital patient information system. Using a wireless Tablet PC, pre-anesthetic examination findings are recorded and an anesthetic plan including anesthetic drugs and anesthetic and monitoring equipment is developed. During induction and maintenance of anesthesia, physiologic variables, drug, fluid, anesthetic gas and oxygen administration, laboratory values, patient location, and important events can be charted with the simplicity of a paper anesthetic record. This information can be manipulated for display in a variety of ways depending on the specific needs of the case. Tools for calculating optimal fluid rates and drug dosages are incorporated into the design. The anesthetic records from multiple cases can be viewed simultaneously using a centrally-located monitor. Detailed audit trails ensure data integrity. A high-end search engine will allow rapid and complete retrieval of patient and anesthetic information. Macromedia flash is used to allow temporary disconnection from the wireless network without losing the ability to view, add, or edit data. The initial stages of software development are nearing completion, a wireless network is in place and hardware is being purchased. A pilot study will be conducted using manual entry of physiologic data prior to integration of automatically captured patient physiological variables. It is anticipated that this system will drastically improve the accuracy of data collection and retrieval and will provide important information about anesthetic management allowing improvement in overall patient care.
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