
In-line Dosing for Bentonite Fining of Wine or Juice: Contact Time, Clarification, Product Recovery and Sensory Effects

Australian journal of grape and wine research(2006)

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Field tests to evaluate in-line dosing with bentonite followed by centrifugation as an alternative to batch fining for protein haze control in white wine or juice were undertaken. The tests were performed at a commercial winery with a Sultana wine and Gordo (Muscat of Alexandria) juice and using two types of bentonite: Vitiben and SIHA-Active-Bentonite G. Fining performance was monitored by heat testing and quantification of heat unstable protein by HPLC. Heat test turbidity and heat unstable protein concentration decreased to stable values between 30 s and 2 min after bentonite injection. Sensory evaluation of Sultana wine fined with Vitiben by balanced reference duo-trio difference tests detected no difference between untreated, in-line dosed, and batch fined wine. Furthermore the volume of wine or juice occluded in lees can be substantially reduced by centrifugal compaction. However, incomplete separation of bentonite from wine or juice during centrifugation produced a carryover of 30% of the added bentonite into the clarified wine. This carryover problem may be mitigated, inter alia, by reducing operating flowrate through the centrifuge or using multiple centrifugation steps (in parallel or series). Therefore, in-line dosing followed by centrifugation provides a rapid processing method for protein haze reduction in wine or juice with a decreased volume of lees. It can reduce significant value losses presently arising in the wine industry from batch fining and the resulting quality downgrades that occur in wine recovered from bentonite lees by rotary drum vacuum filtration.
bentonite fining,in-line dosing,wine,juice,contact time,sensory,process efficiency,protein haze
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