
Paleolithospheric Structure Revealed by Continental Geoid Anomalies


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Lithospheric geoid anomalies record changes in elevation and potential energy experienced by continental lithosphere. Estimates of local isostatic equilibration and potential energy, in tandem with lithosphere-related geoid anomalies, can be used to estimate paleolithospheric thickness, providing a clearer understanding of how and why continental topography is developed. We employ several simplifying assumptions about the crustal and mantle lithosphere density and structure (and readily acknowledge that our results are therefore first-order approximations) to predict the pre-orogenic structure of the lithosphere. At the outset we emphasize that while this approach does not provide an exhaustive evaluation of the deformation mechanism, it does serve to quantify the relative role played by the variations in the crustal and upper mantle components of the lithosphere. In this way we are able to use independent measurement of lithospheric geoid anomalies, current (post-orogenic) elevation and lithospheric structure, and paleoelevation information to estimate topographic development and structural support over time. Application of this technique to the southwestern United States indicates that the uplift of the Colorado Plateau is the result of processes in both the crust and mantle lithosphere and that the lithosphere of the pre-orogenic Southern Basin and Range was thinned relative to the Northern Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau. Although we use the southwestern U.S. as an example, this method can help constrain uplift mechanisms for any region for which the structure and geoid anomaly of the modern lithosphere is well understood.
Colorado plateau,geoid,lithospheric deformation,uplift mechanisms
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