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Research on Intelligent PID Control Strategy of Thermal Control Object

Wentong Ye, Jin Xu,Yonghua Zhu, Yong Chen

ICMTMA), 2011 Third International Conference(2011)

Cited 5|Views2
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Aimed at the controlled object's character of long delay-time, this paper presents a strategy that the long delay-time object is remodeled into short delay-time object through decreasing time-delay control, after the adoption of BP neural network PID controller to control the transformed system. In this paper, the three-layer BP neural network is designed and BP neural network PID controller algorithm is analyzed. The simulation results showed that the PID controller based on BP neural network has good control effect in the performance of following, anti-interference, robust.
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Key words
bp neural network,time-delay control,good control effect,bp neural network controller,decreasing time-delay controller,neurocontrollers,long delay-time object,long delay-time,short delay-time object,control system synthesis,three-layer bp neural network,intelligent pid control,backpropagation,intelligent pid control strategy,thermal variables control,delays,thermal control object,bp neural network pid,pid controller,controlled object,controller algorithm,three-term control,thermal object,transfer functions,neural network,artificial neural networks,control system,thermal stability,artificial neural network,control systems,transfer function,pid control,mathematical model
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