Modifiable self-management practices impact nocturnal and morning glycaemia in type 1 diabetes.

Primary care diabetes(2024)

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AIMS:To identify risk factors for nocturnal/morning hypo- and hyperglycaemia in type 1 diabetes. METHODS:Data on self-management practices were obtained from 3-day records. We studied the associations between self-management practices on the first recording day and the self-reported blood glucose (BG) concentrations on the subsequent night/morning. RESULTS:Of the 1025 participants (39 % men, median age 45 years), 4.4 % reported nocturnal hypoglycaemia (<3.9 mmol/l), 9.8 % morning hypoglycaemia, 51.5 % morning euglycaemia, and 34.3 % morning hyperglycaemia (≥8.9 mmol/l). Within hypoglycaemic range, insulin pump use was associated with higher nocturnal BG concentration (B=0.486 [95 % Confidence Interval=0.121-0.852], p=0.009). HbA1c was positively (0.046 [0.028-0.065], p<0.001), while antecedent fibre intake (-0.327 [-0.543 - -0.111], p=0.003) and physical activity (PA) (-0.042 [-0.075 - -0.010], p=0.010) were inversely associated with morning BG concentration. The odds of morning hypoglycaemia were increased by previous day hypoglycaemia (OR=2.058, p=0.002) and alcohol intake (1.031, p=0.001). Previous day PA (0.977, p=0.031) and fibre intake (0.848, p=0.017) were inversely, while HbA1c (1.027, p<0.001) was positively associated with the risk of morning hyperglycaemia. CONCLUSIONS:Alcohol avoidance may prevent nocturnal hypoglycaemia, while PA and fibre intake may reduce hyperglycaemia risk. Avoidance of daytime hypoglycaemia and keeping HbA1c in control may help maintain normoglycaemia also at night-time.
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