How Do We Achieve Person-Centered Care Across Health Care Settings? Expanding Ideological Perspectives Into Practice to Advance Person-Centered Care.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association(2024)

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Person or patient-centered care (PCC) is touted as the gold standard in geriatric medical care across care settings. However, despite more than 3 decades of research and practice initiatives, it remains a challenge to consistently implement PCC that fully places the individual at the center of care planning and the delivery process. The lack of universal implementation of PCC, we argue, may be in large part due to the use of multiple terms and ideologies leading to an inability to coordinate efforts across medical settings. This article reviews recent ideological PCC movements ("What Matters to You," the Age Friendly Health Systems 4 Ms/5 Ms, "Whole Health," Patient Priorities Care, and Medicare/Medicaid person-centered care initiatives), provides a discussion of how these ideologies are implemented in a nursing home setting through preference-based care and provides implications for coordinated integration of PCC across all care settings now and into the future. We argue for the need to draw on known information and validated methodologies for assessing and implementing PCC to collectively move beyond an ideological representation of the concept into an integrated model of PCC for all older adults receiving care.
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